Erika’s Food Bio

As a 20 year old college student attending Kutztown University, I thankfully don’t live far from home. When my head is reeling between English and Education classes and there is a daunting mountain of homework, of which I expect myself to do back flips off of, I always have the option of escaping to my home town. Pitifully enough, the biggest thing I find myself running from is the food. Chik-fil-a, Starbucks, underdone chicken, stale pizza, and greasy burgers are staples of Kutztown University. Yum. Oh, and let’s not forget the buffet full of various bland foods and a seductive corner of sweets where you can eat as many cookies and as much ice cream as your little heart can handle. Literally. I go home looking for salvation but I am disappointed to find that I have escaped nothing. I think about some of my favorite childhood meals, my favorite being Potato Puff Casserole consisting of beef, loads of cheese, tater tots, and who knows what else. Stale pizza is sure looking mighty healthy. But when I bite into that spoonful of casserole, I am truly tasting salvation. I am not thinking about how many calories are in it or how much sodium. I can only think of how happy I am to be eating something that comforts me and reminds me of my childhood. I pass this onto my brothers and sisters by baking with them, even if it is just out of an easy bake oven just like I did when I was a kid.


Some day, I would like to provide my own family with better meals to always find their salvation in-for their health and for their soul. But for now, I will always love my childhood fatty foods for my inner happy, chubby soul.

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